Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week 4 T2P

Reinvigorating Week 3 T2P
It is not necessary for the educator to change the learning process to meet the learning styles of each individual student, rather it is important for the educator to use complementing learning theories in the classroom to challenge students' to become well-rounded learners. Kruse believes that effectively using complimentary learning theories in the classroom recognizes each student's different needs and experiences (e.g. background, experience, and development) and challenges them to be well-rounded learners. Kruse's theory informs us that when students are encouraged to reflect on their prior experience and exchange understandings with each other, they are able to deepen their understanding of the content and each other.  

Vicki Davis -- "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"
If your pedagogy empowers students to be competent, confident learners who are excited to share and exchange knowledge with others, then those students will be intrinsically motivated to be lifelong learners.  Students who are supported in this way demonstrate the following outcomes: persistence, creativity, and enhanced performance, which leads to their motivation to learn for the sake of learning. Davis supports this framework through her pedagogical practices and instructional events. For example, Davis believes that the teacher does not need to be center stage, in front of students all of the time. She empowers the students to be autonomous and teach the entire classroom of learners what they feel are the most important concepts. Davis admits to not always being the most knowledgeable person in the class, and therefore, supports mutual enhancement in her classroom. Davis's instructional event, Flat Classroom Project, not only helps students study the trends in information technology, but also connects students to other people and cultures around the world, therefore demonstrating both competency and relatedness. Intrinsic motivation is fostered when teachers allow students to discover new understandings independently, and encourage students to be confident sharing that knowledge with others. 

Because / Why
Evidence / Theory / Terms
Moral / Ethical

Week 4 T2P
If your pedagogy helps students develop their critically conscious voices, then students will feel empowered to affect change in their community. When teachers facilitate instructional events that help students articulate their experiences, reflect on the experiences of others, and critically assess their experiences as it relates to their community, they are helping students develop their critical voices. Friere suggests that conscientization, meaning teachers and students bringing political and socio-economic experiences to the classroom, is a pedagogy that elevates the consciousness of both the students and the teacher. For students to refine their critically conscious voices, it is imperative that both the teacher and students are collaborating as mutually enhancing learners. When students are confident being critically conscious of the personal, political, social experiences that they share within their learning environment, then students are more likely to be empowered to affect change that they wish to see in their communities.   

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    You are exactly where you need to be right now in LT. Excellent observations, summaries, analyses, and T2P statements.

    Keep up the great work!

