Thursday, July 7, 2011

Session 6 Reflection

I knew that I wanted to incorporate technology into my classroom, but wasn't sure of how to effectively do so. Before I started this class, I was imagining that I would create SMART Notebook lessons, play movie clips, and have students blog instead of using a writing journal. My horizons have certainly expanded since taking this course. I am familiar with many more Web 2.0 tools and content-relevant websites that will not only deepen students' learning, but will also engage and motivate students.  

Most of the things I learned this semester will help me help students' develop their 21st century skills. I had never heard of Internet Workshop, Internet Inquiry projects, or a wiki before I started this class. Now, I am confident that I can use these concepts and tools to enhance student learning. I now have the tools and knowledge to make an introductory movie to a unit or create a SMART Board lesson. While I have the knowledge to use all of this great technology, I will not introduce it all to students right away. For example, I probably won't have students create a 5 minute film using iMovie, but I could have them create a movie using Animoto or Digital Storyteller. Storytelling using technology is a fun activity for students, and also deepens their understanding of the content. The one thing I probably won't use in class is the Voki. While it is fun, I'm not sure it is something I would have my students create or something that I would put on my class wiki.

I've had a fairly easy time using most of the technology we worked on in class with the exceptions being SMART Notebook, Garage Band, and iMovie. I was a little terrified of those applications when I started working on my projects. However, I learned by trial-and-error and was able to pick up the basics. I feel much more comfortable using the technology that we worked on this semester. In fact, I've already started teaching my husband how to create and edit a film in iMovie!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Insights From My Peers

Well, it is certainly easier to use Google Reader to check out my peers' blogs than to click through each individual link. Google Reader is a user-friendly tool as it consolidates all of your favorite blogs and RSS feeds in one place. I also like how you can click on the link in Google Reader to be brought into the person's actual blog should you choose to do so. 

My peers have great ideas about using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. Reading their blogs not only gave me insight as to how they will use technology in the classroom, but it also illustrated their enthusiasm for helping students develop 21st century skills. There were many commonalities amongst my peers. Wikis, Google Docs, and Google Earth were common tools mentioned on my peers' blogs. However, it is important to note that people are using Wikis and Google tools in very unique ways.

For example, Dave envisions his class wiki having a "workspace" where students can access information for class, including: assignments, lessons, and reading materials (2011). Whereas, Sue likes the idea of using a wiki to improve communications and transparency between students, parents, and the teacher. By posting assignments and assessments online, parents are also kept informed of due dates and what is being learned (2011). 

Mike will use Google Earth to illustrate the effects of deforestation in the Amazon. His ag-ed students will use Google Earth for images for research projects (2011). Nida, on the other hand, will be using Google Earth to supplement a geography lesson.  Google Earth will provide detailed visuals for students to understand key concepts, including: historical regions, major cities, and environmental elements (2011). 

Lastly, I wanted to comment on Melissa's post. Melissa did a Google search for secondary agriculture education only to discover that there was nothing listed on the Wikipedia link. Her idea was that she would work with her students to create content (2011). While I agree that it would be a weighty endeavor, I admire her positive attitude and willingness to give it a try. Hopefully we can check back in a year or two to see that Melissa's class populated that page!


Capozzi, D. (2011). Web resources for teachers. I Have To Get To Class Now. Retrieved from 

Cunningham, M. (2011). Web resources. Falling Star's Blog. Retrieved from 

Kazmi, N. (2011). Web resources for classroom - EDCI 5825. History's Mysteries. Retrieved from 

Kingsbury, M. (2011). Web resources week 5. Caution: Man with a brain in use. Retrieved from

Prihar, S. (2011). Technology in the classroom week 5. Science Rules. Retrieved from